Home » Laravel Create Migration with Model Complete Guide

Laravel Create Migration with Model Complete Guide

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Hey! What’s up, everybody? I hope you are doing well. Today, in this tutorial, I would like to tell you how you can create a migration and model on Laravel. You can make a model and migration separately if you are a beginner. It’s not wrong. It’s good If you are working on a small project.

But if you are working on a big, gigantic project with enormous features, the problem will arise because we know that a big project has a group of developers. Those groups of developers are making changes or creating new files every day.

So, if your file arrangement is not good, other developers cannot work with your changes, or it makes hassles to work. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Yes, you must arrange your files according to your models, migrations, or even your controllers and other stuff (if possible).

Starting the Actual Process of Laravel Create Migration with Model

Please pardon me; I’ve told you too many words, but If you follow those things in your project, that can be good for you and your future code readers. So, we will see how to use laravel create migration with model using the below command. Write down the command on your terminal and press enter.

php artisan make:model Product -m 

Now go to your model folder and you will see a new model created named Product. Also, in your migrations folder, you will see a 2022_12_14_000001_create_products_table migration file. If you want to know more then I will suggest you checkout their documentation.


Finished! That’s all about our laravel create migration with model tutorial. Thank you so much for reading the whole tutorial from the beginning. If this tutorial helps you a little, I’ll request you to share this article with your friends or colleagues who did not know about this post. You can ask us any question via our Contact Us

FAQs Regarding Laravel Create Migration with Model

What is the difference between model and migration in Laravel?

The Laravel model represents the blueprint of the database column. On the other hand, migration is a schema representation of the database, which means the database columns.

What is migrations in Laravel?

In a nutshell, it is a programmatic version of a database tables column editor. Because you can change/edit/rename/drop all those operations programmatically.

Why do we create migration in Laravel?

Because Laravel wants to automate your database, table, and column creations, we don’t need to create our tables & column names manually.

What is the benefit of migration in Laravel?

You can change any database changes without any hassle. If you are working in a group, you modify the migration file, and others can modify it for their need; this is a handy migration feature.

What is the difference between migration and seed in Laravel?

Laravel migration is for creating/deleting/renaming all of those operations. On the other hand, laravel seed is used to fill the database table with data.

What is the migration structure of Laravel?

Laravel migration is a class file containing two methods: one is up, and the other is down. The up method is using to migrate that table, and the down method is used to redo that table.

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