Home » Laravel Debugbar: Introducing The Ultimate Debugbar for Laravel

Laravel Debugbar: Introducing The Ultimate Debugbar for Laravel

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Laravel Debugbar is an essential tool for your application. You can measure your application performance via the Laravel debugbar. In this tutorial, I will discuss the Laravel debugbar and how you can integrate it with your application.

Now, the Laravel debugbar is a collector of logs, which means it collects different kinds of logs from your application. Laravel debugbar has QueryCollectorRouteCollectorViewCollector, EventsCollector, LaravelCollector, SymphonyRequestCollector, LogsCollector, FilesCollector, ConfigCollector, CacheCollector and many more.

QueryCollector, MemoryCollector, EventsCollector, and LogsCollector are commonly used by Laravel developers to measure various things.

OK, now we will learn how you can use it on your application. First, you must use a composer command to download the package from Git Hub repository.

How to install Laravel Debugbar in your Application

composer require barryvdh/laravel debug bar –dev

Make sure that you have APP_DEBUG=true In your .env file and add the below code snippet in your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file.


* Package Service Providers...


'Debugbar' => Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facades\Debugbar::class,


If you don’t use auto-discovery, add this line code to the provider’s array in config/app.php.


You can vendor publish the package files using the command below.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider= "Barryvdh\Debugbar\ServiceProvider"

For Using use the Laravel debugbar in Laravel Octane. For that, you must add the line of code in the flush list of the Octane config file.

'flush' => [



You can check out Barryvdh’s GitHub documentation for more detailed information.


Finished! That’s all about our Laravel debugbar tutorial. It is very much appriciated to you that much for reading the whole tutorial from the beginning. I would request that you please share this post on social media. If you have any query, please feel free to contact us here.

FAQ’s Regarding to Laravel Debugbar

What is laravel debugbar?

The Laravel debugger is a Laravel package for Laravel application development. It monitors the application’s speed, performance, SQL queries, caches, events, etc. 

What is the best debugger for Laravel?

Laravel debugger is the best debugging package for Laravel application development. It has a very intuitive user interface for finding the Laravel application’s performance issues with just a few clicks.

How do I enable debug logs in Laravel?

Okay, Let’s say we assuming that the Laravel debugger package was already installed on your project earlier. We need to ensure that inside your .env, APP_DEBUG is true.

How do I hide the debug bar in Laravel?

You may turn off the debugbar by using APP_DEBUG = false, and you have to add the piece of code \Debugbar::disable();  to the Inside boot method of the app/Providers/AppServiceProvider file.

Quick Note: You can permanently delete the this package using this command composer remove command, even, don’t forget to use php artisan cache:clear command.

How do I turn on the debug bar in Laravel?

You can enable your debugbar easily by just changing the APP_DEBUG value to true inside your .env file. Just use this line \Debugbar::enable(); to the boot method of your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider file.

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